If you are looking to join our team, please fill our the applications below.
Support Staff Application
Law Enforcement Staff Application
Law Enforcement Command Staff:
Sheriff Michael A. Bryant
Captain Hunter Chason
Corporal William Peterson
Sergeant Brendan Dew
Sergeant Lonnie Baker
Benjamin Hayward
Will Rogers
Steve Bruner
Christopher Cutchins
Ginger Chambliss
Daniel Lowery
Courthouse Security/Bailiffs:
Warren Tanner
Noah Grantham
Phillip Hatcher
Warren Tanner
Noah Grantham
Phillip Hatcher
School Resource Officers:
Jedidiah Danley
Keith Baber
Keith Baber
Captain John Scheetz, Investigator
Sgt. Scotty Norris
Sgt. Garrett Lovelace
Community Outreach Deputy
Darrell Johnson
Darrell Johnson